Northland 30 Gallon Stainless Steel Receiver
Northland 30 Gallon Stainless Steel Receiver
Product Code: 271774
Manufacturer: Northland Stainless, Inc.
Model: 30 Gallon
Serial: 0316954-2
Location: Available upon request
- Product Details
Used Northland 30 Gallon Stainless Steel Receiver
- Make: Northland
- Capacity: 30 Gallon
- Serial #: 0316954-2
- National Board #: 3433
- Year: 2004
- Specifications:
- 30 gallon receiver
- 316L stainless steel construction
- Approximately 16" diameter x 44" straight side
- Dish top and bottom
- Rated 150 psi and full vacuum at 300°F
- 5.5", (4) 1" top ports
- Bottom sump on portable base