New Brunswick EX-2000 Off-Gas CO2/O2 Analyzer
New Brunswick EX-2000 Off-Gas CO2/O2 Analyzer provides continuous and unattended monitoring of exhaust CO2 and O2 gasses in benchtop fermentors and bioreactors.
Product Code: 204605
Manufacturer: New Brunswick Scientific
Model: EX-2000
Serial: 101152725
Location: Woonsocket, RI
- Product Details
- Capabilities
EX-2000 Gas Analyzer, designed specifically for monitoring exhaust Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gasses in benchtop fermentation. Unlike other multi-gas systems, the EX-2000 is inexpensive, simple to operate, and can be immediately used in a fermentation process without need for any modified.
Electrical: 100-240V, 50-60Hz, 60VA
Outlet: 1/2" Compression Fitting
Pressure Range Indicator: -1 to 1 bar and -30” Hg to 15 PSIG
Sample Flow Rate: 0.5 to 1.0 Liter per minute
Flow Meter Range: 0.1 - 1.1 Liters per minute
CO2: 0-5%
O2: 0-25%
Sensor Type:
O2: 0-25%
CO2: Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR)
O2: Current-Limited Zirconium Oxide
O2: Current-Limited Zirconium Oxide
CO2: ± 5.0% of reading at 760 mm Hg and 25°C
O2: ± 1% of full scale
Inlet: 1/4" Compression FittingO2: ± 1% of full scale
Outlet: 1/2" Compression Fitting
Pressure Range Indicator: -1 to 1 bar and -30” Hg to 15 PSIG
Sample Flow Rate: 0.5 to 1.0 Liter per minute
Flow Meter Range: 0.1 - 1.1 Liters per minute